
Explore de Tropical Rainforest of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is famous for their Tropical Rainforest, but also Cloud Forest or even Tropical Dry Forest


Costa Rica’s rainforests encompass around 25% of the country’s landmass and are home to over 5% of the world’s biodiversity. They are lush and dense with thick vegetation, cascading waterfalls, and a variety of wildlife such as monkeys, sloths, and toucans.

Cloud Forests

Cloud forests are unique ecosystems found in high altitudes where low-level clouds cover the forest canopy. They are characterized by their mossy trees, misty air, and a variety of rare bird species such as the resplendent quetzal.

Montane Ecosystems

These are found in the highland areas of Costa Rica, with vegetation consisting of grasslands, shrubs, and isolated trees. Montane ecosystems are notable for their pine trees, oak trees, and high-altitude plants.

Mangrove Forests

These ecosystems are created where rivers meet the sea and can be found along much of Costa Rica’s Pacific and Caribbean coasts. They are an important habitat for a variety of marine and bird species and play a significant role in protecting coastlines from erosion.